
Random quote of the day:

“What’s the point of being alive unless there is a progress, a journey, and somewhere, at some point, an end? What else other than motivation makes us really live, the sense that this is a chance we must use, and now?”

—Kate Griffin, A Madness of Angels


Disclaimer: The views expressed in this random quote of the day do not necessarily reflect the views of the poster, her immediate family, Siegfried and Roy, Leonard Maltin, or the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. They do, however, sometimes reflect the views of the Cottingley Fairies.

Random quote of the day:

“Set realistic goals for yourself. And by realistic, I don’t mean practical. I mean figure out what feeds your passion, then decide what steps you need to take to get it. But, and I can’t emphasize this enough, don’t be so driven that all you think about is the end result. Not only does that cheat you out of truly living every day, it can set you up to feel like a failure if it doesn’t come fast enough or if it’s different from how you envisioned it. You have to be adaptable and leave some things to…chance.”

—Becky Cochrane, A Coventry Christmas



Disclaimer:  The views expressed in this random quote of the day do not necessarily reflect the views of the poster, her immediate family, Siegfried and Roy, Leonard Maltin, or the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. They do, however, sometimes reflect the views of the Cottingley Fairies.