
Random quote of the day:

“The law is not about humanity.”

—Phil Rickman, The Heresy of Dr. Dee

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this random quote of the day do not necessarily reflect the views of the poster, her immediate family, Key and Peele, Celine Dion, or Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. They do, however, sometimes reflect the views of the Cottingley Fairies.

Random quote of the day:

“A trial is not a search for truth. It is a contest, and often, one that produces no winners.”

—Andrew Vachss, “Unsafe at Any Age,” New York Times, June 15, 2005


Disclaimer: The views expressed in this random quote of the day do not necessarily reflect the views of the poster, her immediate family, Siegfried and Roy, Leonard Maltin, or the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. They do, however, sometimes reflect the views of the Cottingley Fairies.


Random quote of the day:


“Prisons are built with stones of Law, Brothels with bricks of Religion.”

—William Blake, “Proverbs of Hell,” The Marriage of Heaven and Hell


Disclaimer:  The views expressed in this random quote of the day do not necessarily reflect the views of the poster, her immediate family, Siegfried and Roy, Leonard Maltin, or the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. They do, however, sometimes reflect the views of the Cottingley Fairies.