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If the giant killer asteroid was projected to hit your home town in the next 24 hours, what would you do?

Hit the highway with the 5,837,934 people trying to escape the area.
Shelter in place. They could be wrong!
Shelter in place. I wouldn’t want to be part of the dystopian society left after it hit.
Finally tell my parents I’m gay/an atheist/polyamorous/a 9th level wizard/other.
Finally take up gender experimentation/prayer/polyamory/D&D/other.
Hold the mother of all block parties.
Return ET’s phone call.
Loot and pillage.
Tell everyone how much I love them and curl up into a whimpering ball.
Give up the last seat on the last ‘chopper so the pregnant lady can escape.
Hold onto the skids of the last ‘chopper out of town.
Fall off the skids of the last ‘chopper out of town somewhere really dramatic.
Ticky doesn’t care for any of these options.